
Welcome to the CCVSU Family”

The Chesterfield Chapter of the Virginia State University Alumni Association (CCVSU) currently offers three types of membership. These include Annual, Associate, and Life and are described in detail below. 

Annual Membership - $60.00
Annual membership is designated for those individuals who attended Virginia State University, or any of its previous designations.  Those who subscribe within this category pay annual national dues of $30.00 to the National Alumni Association and $30.00 to Chesterfield Chapter, and receive full membership benefits for one year.  Membership is FREE for New Graduates following their first year after graduation. For more information talk to the Chesterfield Chapter Membership Chair or contact

 Associate Membership - $60.00 
Associate membership is designated for those individuals who did not attend Virginia State, or any of its previous designations, but have an interest in advancing the goals of the University through the Alumni Association. Those who subscribe within this category pay annual national dues of $30.00 to the National Alumni Association and $30.00 to Chesterfield Chapter, and receive full membership benefits for one year. For more information talk to the Chesterfield Chapter Membership Chair or contact

 Edward A. Ragland Life Membership - $750.00**  
Life Membership is conferred to those individuals who meet the qualifications in one of the above membership designations and have submitted an application and have paid the $750.00 fee for Life Membership. A subscribing life member is an individual making payments towards life membership. For more information talk to the Chesterfield Chapter Membership Chair or contact

 Pay your local Membership dues via PayPal below